If God Is For Us, Who Can Be Against Us?


While it feels like everything is falling apart all around me, there is one thing, and only one thing, that I am absolutely sure of and that is this: Heavenly Father’s love.

While I was pondering all that has gone wrong over the last year and bleeding into this one (can 2019 end, like, now?!), I was reminded of a song that I learned about a hundred years ago in the teen choir. It went something like this:

“We are persuaded that neither death nor life, nor any power from below or on high, things in the future, or in days gone by, can separate us from His love”

I probably messed up on some of the words, but that is how I remember it.  It was one of my favorite songs to sing.

I found it on YouTube, so you can hear it, too.

Have a blessed weekend, y’all!




Image by Couleur on Pixabay

Press Release: Patch the Hill Country Bunny


Houston, TX, February 25, 2019— Patch the Hill Country Bunny, a children’s book for ages 3-6, takes readers on a unique journey to one of Texas’s most gorgeous areas. Influenced by her love of the Texas Hill Country, Author Mary Delmore Balagia opted to use photos from her own personal memorabilia and adventures to illustrate a real-life connection to her favorite place. The book, published by LongTale Publishing, is dedicated to Balagia’s granddaughter and all children alike to form a connection to nature.

“I have been dazzled by the beauty and absolute wonder of nature. Every time I walk through the woods, following the paths made by deer and other creatures, I discover something new and exciting,” said Balagia. “I wrote Patch the Hill Country Bunny for my granddaughter so that she would develop an early curiosity about nature and in turn share her discoveries with friends old and new.”

Patch_5614Patch the Hill Country Bunny was inspired by a keepsake bunny given to Balagia by her mother and motivated by the belief that all children should have their own adventures in the great outdoors. In the book, readers are introduced to Patch, an adorable bunny from the city who experiences the excitement of new surroundings. Patch encourages young children to open their eyes, to listen, and explore the living, breathing environment outside of their home settings. Patch dares kids who have grown up in a tech driven generation to go outside explore the world of nature.

About Patch the Hill Country Bunny

Go and Explore!

Join Patch on a Texas Hill Country adventure. A visit to Grandmother Honey Bunny’s house opens this little bunny’s eyes to a whole new world. She even finds some friends along the way to share the fun. As Patch explores the sights and sounds of the hill country, she ultimately makes a big discovery about herself.

The book is available through the publisher’s website, LongTalePublishing.com, Ingram, Baker and Taylor and other online retailers. Click here to purchase it from Amazon.

Notice: This post contains affiliate links. If you click a link and make a purchase, we may financially benefit from your transaction, at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support.

PS Annie! is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.



Update on Prayer Request


As you all know, on Valentine’s Day, David’s sister had open heart surgery. The surgery went well. However, on Friday she was dealing with some serious complications, including a collapsed lung. She was put into a medically-induced coma.

The message that we received earlier today from David’s mother said that Sandra’s blood pressure had come down some and that they were awaiting the lung x-ray results. She was doing some better and they had her sitting up.

Thank you for continued prayers for her and for their family. We all appreciate the prayers very much.

Have a blessed weekend.

Prayers, Please


I would like to ask all of you to pray for David’s sister, Sandra. She had open heart surgery yesterday. The surgery itself went well, as we understand it. However, this morning there are some severe complications, severe enough that she is in an induced coma.

Please pray for her healing, also for comfort and strength for her family, especially their mama, for whatever lies ahead.

Thank you.

Press Release: DaVinci Body Sculpting Offers $2500 Scholarship to Women in STEM Fields

DaVinci Body Sculpting Offers $2500 Scholarship to Women in STEM Fields

Description: http://www.getnews.info/uploads/f70ccf270c987ad01d953c4a74769b65.png

Houston, TX – DaVinci Body Sculpting is pleased to announce it is offering a scholarship to women studying in STEM fields.

The scholarship, worth $2500 USD, is specifically designed to support women who have a passion for science and technology.  Women studying in any science program are eligible to apply, as the company believes women in STEM programs often go underappreciated for their accomplishments.

“Our team at DaVinci Body Sculpting has a great passion for science and technology and we are always inspired by women who develop new techniques and inventions,” says John Bergeron, one of DaVinci’s co-founding members.  “Over the years, we have found women are often part of the aesthetics narrative, but are often not highlighted in their incredible contributions.  We want to change that.”

To be eligible for the DaVinci scholarship, applicants must:

  • Be enrolled, or will be enrolled, as a full-time student at an accredited US college or university for the semester
  • Be majoring, or have a general interest, in STEM
  • Write a 1,000 – 1,500 word essay
  • Provide proof of enrollment and general application information
  • Agree to permit DaVinci Body Sculpting to announce their name (if chosen as the winner) via social media and website platforms

The deadline for applications is April 30th, 2019, with the winner being selected and notified via email by May 15th, 2019.

DaVinci Body Sculpting was founded by Dr. John Bergeron and his wife, Lori Lemon Bergeron.  Dr. Bergeron is a cosmetic surgeon specializing in liposuction, and is one of the most requested surgeons in the Houston area.  Lori is a highly trained and certified clinician who performs the company’s only service – CoolSculpting.

For more information about the DaVinci Body Sculpting scholarship, and the application process, please visit their website at https://davincibody.com/scholarship/.

6 Things You Can Do to Prevent Animal Cruelty

This is a guest post by Jeffrey Scott Franklin, owner and Operator of Cobra Canine.

6 Things You Can Do to Prevent Animal Cruelty

  1. Don’t get a pet as a toy or an impulse decision. The people who aren’t up for the 8 to 15-year commitment of responsibility (financially, physically and emotionally) are often times the ones who end up sending their pet to a shelter or simply not caring for the pet as is required. Pets need food, shelter, regular baths and nail clippings, vet checks, vaccines and in their lifetimes some sort of vet care or geriatric care may become necessary. Be prepared for these and this will make sure animals aren’t neglected.
  2. If you don’t know much about dogs (or any specific animal in question), don’t breed them.  Let experts do the breeding work. Enjoy your pet to his or her fullest- without adding more animals that may or may not end up in great homes. While we aren’t advocates of spaying or neutering until at least two years of age, we do believe in being responsible if your pet is around other animals.
  3. Volunteer at an animal shelter. If you feel the need to have a fuzzy pet friend, but not a lot of time- donate your time and energy to a local shelter. Go walk a few dogs and pet some animals that need some love and attention. There are never enough volunteers at these places.
  4. Keep them warm and cozy. Donate extra blankets and care items you may already have in your home to local shelters.
  5. Report suspicious activity. If you see animals that are maltreated, mistreated or neglected- report it.  You won’t get backlash for this from the authorities- but you very well may save an animal’s life in the process.  If we keep our eyes and ears open, animals have a much better chance at having a good life or potentially, a great life and a second chance.
  6. Adopt or donate money to shelters. We have found many strays over the years, and helped them medically, given them training, and found them loving homes.  If you see an animal that needs some TLC, or a home- help as you are able.


Jeffrey Scott Franklin is owner and operator of Cobra Canine. He has dedicated the last 25 years developing the finest quality canines for military, police, detection, drug, tracking, personal protection, and pet dog obedience and has worked with over 10,000 pet dogs and families. Directly responsible for serving the needs of several large programs including DOS, Pentagon, U.S. Customs, U.S. Military, Guatemala, Ecuador, El Salvador, Paraguay, Algeria, and numerous police departments, Franklin’s life is a constant adventure. And he’s telling his story.

The new book, Franklin: The Man Behind the United States Commando Dogs by Matthew Duffy offers an exhilarating look into the fascinating story of the pioneer behind Elite Working dogs trained for the United States Military. Readers will go along on secret operative missions with the world’s foremost K9-Combat teams, witness the enduring bond between men and dogs, and learn how Franklin is making a difference in the lives of people and dogs across the world.

What Your Kids Really Need To Know To Survive As Adults!

The following is a guest post written by Gregg Murset, creator of BusyKid


What Your Kids Really Need To Know To Survive As Adults!

Let’s take a journey back to your high school or college days. Remember when you’d be low on cash to have fun with your friends or you’d be taking another loan out to pay for the upcoming semester? As students you probably never really sweat it since you’d either hit up your parents or lean on a credit card. You’d also probably flash forward in your mind to how life will be so much better once you land that full-time position and make serious money.

Oh those were the days, right?  The only problem then (and now) was that too many high school and college students are really living day-to-day, beyond their means and amounting debt that will take years to overcome, if it could be overcome at all.

Right now you might be saying … “Heck, everyone has the same problem, so what’s the big deal”. Well it’s a big deal because the extra financial burden has many young Americans stressed and less productive. Matter of fact, according to a report from Bank of America and Merrill Lynch Workplace Benefits, 67% of millennials say financial stress overtakes their ability to focus and be productive at work and school. This is more than twice as likely than baby boomers — 32% of whom worry about the same thing.

“Traditionally college graduation marks the end of one journey and the beginning of another,” says BusyKid CEO & Certified Financial Planner Gregg Murset. “However these days, the start of the journey into the “real world” comes with a lot more financial worries. These young adults have been set up to fail thanks to a lack of financial education, direct marketing by credit card companies and student loans.”

Upon graduation, many young adults are hit with a wall of personal finance dilemmas. Some will need to pay rent, find a job, pay off student debt (the average student loan debt at graduation in 2016 was $37,132), and most of them will have no idea where to start because they’ve never been taught.

So parents, here are some things you can do or teach your kids before they graduate. Sure, they will still make mistakes or bad choices, but heck, no one is perfect. You can teach someone to ride a bike but they still might crash, right? Use the suggestions below this as your guide and there’s an excellent chance your children won’t be living with you when he/she turn 30.

Don’t Count On Your High School … Right now in the US the majority of high school graduates never take a single class on personal finance or economics. Without the basic understanding of financial terms and practices, your children will be totally unprepared. If your school doesn’t teach a minimum of one year on basic finance, it’s up to you to give your kids the tools they will need. Thank goodness for the Internet (and BusyKid)!

Modern Money … Yes, dollars and cents are still used, but not as much as you think. It’s estimated that less than 10% of the currency in the world is actually paper or coins. This means your children need to know how to manage “invisible money”, including paying bills and ensuring bank accounts don’t hit zero. Stop writing checks and use online services while your kids are young enough to do it with you and can learn by example.

Saving Money … Seems simple but 39% of Americans admit to having zero in a savings account. 57% say they have less than $1000 in a savings account. Teach your children to take a portion of any money they get (birthday, holiday, babysitting, mowing grass, etc.) and place it in a savings account. As a rule, 50% should go to savings. (40% to spend and 10% to share.)

Investing … If your children ever want to retire, they will need to invest money somewhere along the way. Lucky for them there are plenty of resources available to teach them how, including some fantasy investing games which would allow them the chance to invest pretend money. With BusyKid they can invest a small portion of their weekly allowance. Practice makes perfect … or at least better educated.

Credit Cards … As soon as your children hit a certain age, they will be bombarded with marketing materials from credit card companies. So be ready! If you want your children to have a card, make sure you sign up for spending notifications or that it’s only used for emergencies. Make sure to pick a card with a low annual percentage rate and it is paid off each month. This can be dangerous territory, so if there’s one place to be overprotective as a parent, it’s here.

Student Loans … Designed to help students get to college with the promise of paying them back later, student loans can serve a great purpose. The problem has become, everyone has the best intentions to pay them back, but something goes terribly wrong. Currently U.S. student loan debt is $1.5 trillion and nearly 9 million loans are in default. Have your children follow this simple rule – don’t borrow more than they would earn in their first year out of school. In other words, if your child is going to make $24,000 as a first-year teacher (about $20,000 after taxes), don’t take $50,000 in loans.

Compound Interest … Compound interest is when a bank pays interest on both the principal (the original amount of money) and the interest an account has already earned. As an example, if you put $1000 in the bank with compound interest of 10%, in 20 years the $1,000 would be more than $7,000. Without compound interest, it would be $3,000.

Overwhelming? It certainly can be but any disaster can be avoided. You still have time. Maybe you had all the answers when you graduated high school or college, but if not, help your kids learn from your mistakes. Listen, if you knew your child was going to fly a plane a few months after graduating high school, wouldn’t you make sure he/she knew everything there was to know to avoid a crash? Well, a financial crash may not be a painful but it can be just as devastating.

By Gregg Murset, creator of BusyKid


Image Source: Pixabay

Book Review: Best of Bridge Weekday Suppers: All-New Easy Everyday Recipes by Emily Richards and Sylvia Kong

Best of Bridge Weekday Suppers: All-New Easy Everyday Recipes by Emily Richards and Sylvia Kong

When you don’t know what to make for supper and everyone is bugging you to feed them NOW, what do you do?

You could go scream into the clown’s head and get some robot food, or you could pick up your copy of Best of Bridge Weekday Suppers: All-New Easy Everyday Recipes by Emily Richards and Sylvia Kong and you are ready to go.

You probably have everything you need to fix most of these recipes. There are even recipes for dessert in here.

These recipes are easy to follow. Well, not really. The problem will be when the recipe says to cook the bacon and set it aside. What cook is going to allow bacon to just sit there without eating it?

If you can resist the bacon long enough for it to actually make it into your recipe, you have the makings for some very tasty meals.

The spiral binding on this book makes it easy to follow the recipes because it doesn’t change the page while your back is turned. Who hasn’t had the page turn on them while they are making a recipe? This makes for some interesting meals.

This easy to follow book will make a great addition to your cookbook collection. Even a husband can follow these recipes. Get your copy of Best of Bridge Weekday Suppers today.

We were sent a complimentary copy of this book. We are under no obligation to write any review, positive or negative.

We are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

Notice: This post contains affiliate links. If you click a link and make a purchase, we may financially benefit from your transaction, at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support.

PS Annie! is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.

Book Review: The Tears of Gethsemane by Deborah Faulks

The Tears of Gethsemane by Deborah Faulks

The Tears of Gethsemane by Deborah Faulks was a difficult book for me to read and review.  It is very different from most books regarding Christianity.

When I first started reading this book, it was difficult for me to concentrate on it.  I started it over several times because I just wasn’t getting it.

I started to just set it aside for later, but then a prompting told me I really needed to get into this book.  I said multiple prayers and then dug into it.

Once I was able to quiet my mind, I was able to really understand what the author is trying to say.

Suzanne and I are from a charismatic, fundamentalist background.  This being said, we a have a few fundamental theological differences, but the overall feel and message of the book is completely in keeping with our beliefs.

This is not the kind of book one should just plow right through,  It is the kind of book that one should read with a lot of prayer and reflection.  One should keep their favorite translation of the Holy Bible handy and probably another translation to help when one has questions.

The Tears of Gethsemane would make a great small group Bible study. This would probably be the best way to approach it.

Perhaps a group of Christians should take one chapter at a time and spend a week reading and re-reading it as well as prayerfully considering it.  Then, they could come together and discuss it in more detail.

If you miss this book, you have probably missed a blessing.

We were sent a complimentary copy of this book.  We are under no obligation to write any review, positive or negative.

We are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

Notice: This post contains affiliate links. If you click a link and make a purchase, we may financially benefit from your transaction, at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support.

PS Annie! is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.