Book Review: Annie Russo: Proposals & Proclivities by J L Baumann

Annie Russo: Proposals & Proclivities by J L Baumann

J. L. Baumann does it again with his new book Annie Russo: Proposals & Proclivities.

Surely by now you have read Annie Russo: Tenacity Born.

When you read it, you learned what real writing is like.  Baumann doesn’t write “Mind Play-Doh”. Instead, readers are treated to literature the way it was always intended to be.

Baumann paints a word picture so vividly that the reader can actually see the images the author is describing.  In the original book, the author described a fine dining experience so vividly that the reader could actually taste the shrimp cocktail.

There are no torrid intimate scenes.  The author does use God’s Holy Name in vain.  Other than that, the book is Christian-friendly, which is important to our audience.

If you are a reader who wants to actually read instead of joining the TLDR (Too Long, Didn’t Read) crowd, you will want to read Annie Russo: Proposals & Proclivities. It is a refreshing book and well worth taking the time to read and savor it.  You will enjoy your copy.

We were sent a complimentary copy of this book.  We are under no obligation to write any review, positive or negative.

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Book Review: Wayfarer, North Carolina by J L Baumann

Wayfarer, North Carolina by J L Baumann

Wayfarer, North Carolina by J. L. Baumann is a compilation of seven short stories based in a small town area of North Carolina set in the 1970s.

The majority of the stories center around a restaurant called Charlie’s Restaurant, operated by a man named Bo. They tell of his interactions with various characters/customers.

While some of the stories are maybe a bit hard to get into, there are some real gems here. You’ve heard of saving the best for last. Well, that’s what happens in this book, too. The best stories are the last two. The last story’s setting is in a girl’s garden, not at Charlie’s Restaurant. It is quite a fascinating story!

The front cover says “Seven short stories of character and consequences”.  There are most definitely some interesting consequences in Wayfarer, North Carolina!

We were sent a complimentary copy of this book.  We are under no obligation to write any review, positive or negative.

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Book Review: Annie Russo: Tenacity Born by J L Baumann

Annie Russo: Tenacity Born by J L Baumann

As all of our readers know, we don’t normally review fiction. The reason for this is that fiction can be very subjective and we often feel like we might provide spoilers.

The book Annie Russo: Tenacity Born by J L Baumann is a work of fiction and could possibly be called historical fiction since it is based around the time of the war in Vietnam.

This book is not like most of the “mind candy” fiction books that are out these days.  We live in a world of TLDR. Many young readers today will pick up a short book and say, “Too long, didn’t read.”  Well, this book is long and it isn’t mind candy. We feel that it is very much written in the style of Tolstoy.

The author uses many descriptive words to paint a word picture of events. It simply would not be the same if left to a word limit like so many of today’s authors use.

This is a book that is written in such a way as to paint a very vivid word picture that causes the reader to see, feel, and hear everything that the characters in the book do.

Baumann paints such a vivid mental picture of the scene in a fine dining establishment that has me still tasting the shrimp cocktail. Very few works today do that. I wish I had the money to buy shrimp cocktails for me and Suzanne.  The author made me hungry throughout the fine dining scene.

We do need to disclose that there are at least two incidents in the book where the characters use the Lord’s Name in vain.  Readers of our blogs expect us to tell them this and we would be shirking our duties if we did not tell them this.

This author is a craftsman that displays his craft on every page of the book.  If one can get through this book without going through every emotion that there is, they weren’t paying attention.

There is a very funny story in this book regarding a meeting with a nun and one of the professors working under her that is worth the total cost of the book just by itself.

We give Annie Russo all five stars and think any person who is a true bibliophile will love this book.  Yes, it is longer than most modern books. Just like a Mozart composition, it simply would not be the same if you cut any of it.  This will make a great Christmas present to any reader on your Christmas gift list. +

We were sent a complimentary copy of this book.  We are under no obligation to write any review, positive or negative.

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Book Review: Carissa’s Law by Misty Boyd

Carissa’s Law by Misty Boyd

Carissa’s Law by Misty Boyd is a touching book about the life of a girl born with spina bifida.

The story starts with her first day of college and all the adventure that moment brings into one’s life. In this case, from the viewpoint of one living life in a wheelchair.

This book struck a chord with me as I had a family member who was born with spina bifida, as was the author of Carissa’s Law.

As you make your way through this novel, there are moments of laughter and moments of tears. There are also moments that made me so mad about how the expectant parents and their babies were treated that I could have screamed!

Carissa’s Law is about understanding that all life is precious and worthy. In a wheelchair or out of it, people are people with hopes and dreams that they should be allowed to achieve.

It is about the dedication of one girl to make things better for those with spina bifida and for disabled people.

It is a fight for truth.

Carissa seeks to require the medical community to update their knowledge in regards to spina bifida, as well as telling parents the truth about the prognosis.

I really enjoyed this book and hope that you will, too.

We were sent a complimentary copy of this book. We are under no obligation to write any review, positive or negative.

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Book Review: Sean Awesome: A Mission at Night by Jiwon Hwang, Illustrated by Sung Hong

Sean Awesome: A Mission at Night by Jiwon Hwang, Illustrated by Sung Hong

If you are looking for a cute story with amazing illustrations for your Family Home Evening, Sean Awesome: A Mission at Night by Jiwon Hwang, Illustrated by Sung Hong will more than satisfy.

The story is cute and sweet. This is a story that most very young children will find funny. All children will love the cute, unique illustrations.

We give Sean Awesome: A Mission at Night all five stars. This will make a great gift.

We were sent a complimentary copy of this book. We are under no obligation to write any review, positive or negative.

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Book Review: The Siren Chronicles – Book 1 By Douglas J. Sloan

The Siren Chronicles – Book 1 By Douglas J. Sloan

Imagine being ordered away as you see someone devouring your parents. Or, walking along the beach and finding someone practically on death’s door, covered in seaweed. Or, waking up in a frat house with people staring at and pawing on you. Or, crying in a cave.

Imagine a whole lot more than that! The Siren Chronicles by Douglas J. Sloan offers a great deal of excitement as three mermaids embark on their earth quest. Each one faces challenges as they learn to maneuver themselves on land and deal with humans.

One of them gets the answer to something that has haunted her since childhood.

All three get a taste of evil that will take every ounce of their strength to defeat. Can they do it? They have to. Their underwater world depends on it.

I enjoyed The Siren Chronicles immensely. I couldn’t put it down and can’t wait to read Book 2!

We were sent a complimentary copy of this book. We are under no obligation to write any review, positive or negative.

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Book Review: Purge on the Potomac by David Thomas Roberts

Purge on the Potomac by David Thomas Roberts

Available 30 August 2018

As most of our blog readers know, we don’t normally read fiction. It is very difficult to review fiction because you don’t want to give away any secrets that might spoil the book.

On the rare occasion that we do read fiction, it is difficult to find any fiction book in keeping with our Christian values. Too often we find books that are really cheesy romance novels, with a very little bit of plot mixed in between the raunchy sex scenes.

Purge on the Potomac (The Patriot Series) by David Thomas Roberts is different. It is a very exciting and, at times, funny book about the very real threats we all face since many of our elected officials, at all levels, think we serve at their pleasure rather than the other way around.

It does use the Lord’s name as a curse twice, once on page 192 and again on page 316 of the paperback edition we were given as an advanced media copy for review. This explains why our star rating is not all five stars. Our review policy states up front not to send us any books with the Lord’s name used in vain.

Other than that, this book is the most exciting and interesting fiction book David has ever read. It takes place here in the State of Texas. What is really interesting to us is that the author, David Thomas Roberts, has a scene take place on a ranch in Shiner, Texas. Mr Roberts may be aware that there is just such a ranch, owned by the Roberts family, that resembles his description in Shiner, Texas. We know the Roberts that purchased said property is David’s maternal grandpa, Leon Wallis Roberts. He is buried in the Shiner cemetery.

The author does an outstanding job of capturing the sentiment that is held by most Texans regarding the second amendment and interference in The Great State of Texas. It is not a question of IF Texas will secede, but when.

Purge on the Potomac is the kind of book you just can’t put down. It is very exciting right up to the last page where you have to sit back and say, “Wow”.

We were sent a complimentary advanced media copy of this book. We are under no obligation to write any review, positive or negative.

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Book Review: Dream Walker by Larry Prosor

Dream Walker by Larry Prosor

I thought I had read just about every kind of story imaginable. Dream Walker by Larry Prosor proved me wrong.

I don’t normally review fiction because it is so difficult to do so without spoilers.

I just need to tell you that this book is like no other I have ever read. It provides a look at how our Native American ancestors lived in the past and what challenges they went through.

Prosor did an excellent job at weaving a story in such a way that the reader learns a lot about Native American culture while reading a truly fascinating and mind opening tale.

We give Dream Walker all five stars. We would love to read more by this author. He proves that a very well-written story can stand on its own without graphic romance scenes or lots of vulgar words. There is only one profane word in the book.

Even though this book is not written to be a Christian novel, Dream Walker is one that we can wholeheartedly recommend.

We were sent a complimentary copy of this book. We are under no obligation to write any review, positive or negative.

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Book Review: Three of Cups by Kathy Wilson Florence

Three of Cups by Kathy Wilson Florence

I was a bit concerned about reading this book due to the use of tarot cards early on in it, but I am glad that I gave it a chance. It is a great book!

Three of Cups is the story of the lives of three women of two different generations. There is love, family, war, deceit, and tragedy. There is laughter and there are tears.

I (Suzanne) couldn’t put this book down. It had my mind going on hyper mode trying to put it all together, making connections between this person, this situation, and that one. It kept me wondering how the author would pull it all together for resolution at the end, and would it have a happy ending or would lives be ripped apart.

Kathy Wilson Florence is a great storyteller who weaves us in and out of the timelines and lives of the three main characters and support people along the way.

There is minimal use of profanity (and none of the major profane words) and there are no graphic intimate scenes. I give Three of Cups 5 stars and think that you will find it hard to put down, too!

We were sent a complimentary copy of this book. We are under no obligation to write any review, positive or negative.

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Three of Cups
By Kathy Wilson Florence
Available 1 July 2018 on
ISBN: 978-0998678122

Book Review: Gulag 401(k): Tales of a Modern Prisoner by Richard A. Marin

Gulag 401(k): Tales of a Modern Prisoner by Richard A. Marin

The category listed on the back of Gulag 401(k): Tales of a Modern Prisoner by Richard A. Marin is fiction. I am not at all sure that is correct.

The back of the book states “In this book, the author recalls his career and explores how to afford retirement…” I am not sure all of that is entirely accurate either.

Readers really aren’t given any significant investing for retirement information. However, readers are treated to an inside look at the life of the author. This look does not appear to be fiction. Who could make this stuff up?

We live in a completely different world from the author. Marin does not see a $35 parking ticket as a significant expense, whereas we will drive out of our way to keep from having to pay a $1 toll on the toll road in Houston. For us, $35 is 3% of our monthly income.

We really would love to read more of Marin’s writing, especially a little more detailed look inside Bear Stearns and Bankers Trust.

We give Gulag 401(k): Tales of a Modern Prisoner all five stars. It is an extremely well-written story that takes us through the author’s very interesting career. We follow Marin from his first day at work on his first job at Bankers Trust to his time as a teacher at a university, all the way through to his planned retirement.

One can learn a lot about the financial world. Marin does a better job at describing the financial meltdown at Bear Stearns than many of the books we have read that were written to specifically address that particular era in American history.

We would love to read a book that was a compilation of this author’s in-the-trenches stories of big business and big finance.

Yes, the back of this book is a little misleading. However, readers will not be disappointed. Readers will be entertained and they just might learn a little bit about preparing for retirement through the eyes of someone who has blazed a trail ahead of us. You should order your copy of Gulag 401(k): Tales of a Modern Prisoner by Richard A. Marin today. Maybe give one to a friend.

We were sent a complimentary copy of this book. We are under no obligation to write any review, positive or negative.

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