The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me!

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton



I hope you’ll all join me as I contemplate moving PS Annie! completely away from Blogger.  This is a big step for me.  PS Annie! has been on Blogger for so long (since 2011).  Historically, I have had no luck getting followers to move with me to a new blog.  I don’t want to lose anybody, but I don’t want to continue fighting with Blogger and the coding/formatting issues.  Those issues are taking the joy out of actually creating a post.  I find myself putting it off as long as possible, which isn’t a good thing when publicists are waiting to see the reviews!

For the foreseeable future, I will cross-post between the original PS Annie! on Blogger and PS Annie! on WordPress.  Please be sure to follow PS Annie! on WordPress if you are a Blogger follower! I’d hate to lose touch with any of you.

If you’re interested in posts solely on genealogy and family history, please join me at PS Annie! #2 on WordPress.

For memes, creative writing, and photography, please join me at McClendon Villa on WordPress.

Have a blessed day, y’all!


Image source: Pixabay