Book Review: When God Happens: True Stories of Modern Day Miracles by Angela Hunt and Bill Myers

When God Happens: True Stories of Modern Day Miracles by Angela Hunt and Bill Myers

Goosebumps, that is the best way to describe what I felt when reading When God Happens: True Stories of Modern Day Miracles by Angela Hunt and Bill Myers.

Many people do not believe in angels. I would imagine that most do. It is amazing how angels often appear when we least expect them. We enjoyed every story in this book and really hope the editors are able to create the series.

Each story in When God Happens was written by one of the people who actually experienced the miracles of God. Too often we are willing to listen to the world and believe that what we have experienced is just coincidence or just a fluke or dumb luck.

We are told that we often entertain angels unawares (Hebrews 13:2). If we just allow ourselves to let go and let God, we can often see His amazing work.

This book deserves all five stars. It is very well-written and very inspiring. If you like to hear inspirational stories about Christians who believe in the power of prayer and in letting Jesus Christ speak to them, this book is for you.

We feel that this would make a great small group book to read together at a church or with a prayer group to discuss and build faith.

You will find yourself not being able to put When God Happens down. It is just that good. You will probably want to buy several copies to give your friends and a copy to put in your church library.

As a side note, this is the 100th book we have read in our Goodreads 2018 challenge. We think it is awesome that this is the one that put us over the top.

We were sent a complimentary copy of this book. We are under no obligation to write any review, positive or negative.

We are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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